Event security guards provide security and assistance for attendees in events such as concerts and conferences. These professionals must often adapt to a new environment every time they go to a new event and also learn new venues at each event. For this reason, event security guard training is important for these individuals. This is the only way to ensure the best performance possible when it comes to protecting your event attendees.
One of the most common reasons why an event security guard is hired is to provide security screening at an event. When a person enters an establishment that requires a security screening, it is their responsibility to successfully complete the security screening. Failure to do so could result in arrest and legal proceedings. There are a number of techniques that these guards can use to successfully carry out their responsibilities; however, proper event security screening must be undertaken.
Event security guards use visual and auditory means to assess the level of risk associated with a public or private location. The most basic event security guard skill is for them to determine what is a threat to the attendees of a public location, such as an event that has a capacity of 500. The assessment involves determining if the environment is dangerous and if the presence of people will create a dangerous or unhealthy situation for those attending the event. Using sensory organs such as sight, smell, and hearing, they determine whether the environment warrants a security presence. This includes utilizing security screening equipment and determining the amount of force needed to contain the threat, if any.
There are a number of jobs that these particular event security guards can hold. There are various positions available in these organizations, depending on where they work and how many events they attend on a regular basis. The majority of guards work full-time; however, there are a small portion of these individuals who work part-time so that they can earn money while attending to other responsibilities. Typically, they are paid hourly, and their job duties may consist of supervising other event security guards during shifts or simply keeping an eye on the premises. They are also responsible for carrying out part of the company’s daily security patrol, which consists of responding to any calls regarding the safety of an attendee.
Every year, there are a few accidents that occur when event security guards are present. These accidents include getting electrocuted, choking, struck by a security guard, and falling from the top of a high building. Each of these can pose a serious risk or death to the individual if they were to occur during the course of an event, which is why emergency first aid skills are essential for any event security guard. Emergency first aid is typically administered to the individual by the event security guard, or if the individual is able to get to the event, by the event security guard’s partner. These first aid kits contain all of the necessary items for providing medical treatment until professional medical assistance can be given.
Surveillance cameras are also an important tool for event security guards. Most surveillance cameras are wireless so that the surveillance is very discreet. These cameras record footage of individuals who enter the event premises, which can help to identify individuals who are engaged in criminal activity, shoplifting, vandalism, or other criminal activities. If you suspect that an attendee has been mistreated or robbed of goods or money, then it is likely that surveillance cameras will help you document the event and hold the accountable party or parties accountable.
Event security guards often work alongside local law enforcement officers in conjunction with their department to provide additional security for an event. Law enforcement officers may utilize surveillance cameras to assist them in identifying criminals or culprits involved in the commission of an event, as well as to document any criminal activity that transpires within the event itself. This can help to ensure the safety of everyone at an event, and is also helpful in identifying what law enforcement officers should be searching for when they arrive at the event to investigate any potential incidents. If you have a suspect in mind, then it can be beneficial to have your event security guard to work with local law enforcement to identify and locate the suspect. You may also want to consult with local law enforcement personnel prior to, during, or after the event to discuss your security plans and to coordinate with them on how to best implement your event security guard tactics and strategies to achieve your goals.
Event security guards should be trained in first aid and CPR techniques. First aid can be crucial to maintaining public safety, especially if an event occurs at night or if injuries occur. Individuals who are injured or who fall ill during an event should seek medical attention immediately. Event security guards should be familiar with various first aid kits that are available at your facility. Having a first aid kit on hand can allow event security guards to respond to medical emergencies in a timely manner, improving the odds that those injured will survive an event.