In academics, students are assigned essays with different explaining styles. Hence, to master all the types of essays, students take assistance from their school teachers, college instructors and university professors. However, in modern times, with the help of the internet, students have found a rapid and expert way to tackle their hurdles in academic writing. Likewise, they take assistance from USA, Ireland and UAE assignment help online.
Just like modern problems require modern solutions, those students who want to prepare for their exams and aim to master all argumentative-type topics. Then you are at the right place at the right time. So, scroll down and get a complete guide on argumentative essay topics.
What is an Argumentative Essay?
In simple terms, investigation of the topics with a critical mindset is the core purpose of this assignment of the argumentative essay. In this type of essay, students will collect information about the debatable topics that should be addressed along with the writer’s subjective views. However, the formation of an argumentative essay should be drafted with authentical data, critical address, convincing general examples and a subjective view in conclusion.
Types of Argumentative Essays
Every essay must have an explaining style. Therefore the assignments of essays are divided into descriptive, narrative, expository, literature and argumentative styles. However, the argumentative style also has it’s own types that offer different critical views that open the door or numerous topics that should be addressed in the first place. Hence, an argumentative essay has four types, and the following are shared below.
- Deductive
- Inductive
- Toulmin
- Rogerian
List of Argumentative Essay Topics 2023
The Internet is filled with numerous topics. But you should always consider those topics that match your educational level. Moreover, an argumentative essay gives a different perspective on the topics. That’s why students have to put everything in the game in an argumentative essay along with the correct formation of introduction, main body and conclusion. Otherwise, all the trending argumentative essay-writing topics are shared below.
Argumentative Essay Topics for Students
Nowadays, school and college students are also assigned tough topics, as in today’s world, it has become easy to grab knowledge about everything. Moreover, before starting to write an essay, students have to understand the whole picture scenario of the topics. Plus, there are various areas where essays can lead, for instance, environment, politics, sports, education and business. On that account, they should start writing their essay with the following topics:
- Should social media platforms be banned from collecting their users’ data?
- Should unpaid internships be illegal?
- Should schools require their students to wear school uniforms?
- Should students who cheat on tests be punished?
- Should high school students get to choose which classes they take?
- Do sports hurt academic performance in teenagers?
- Should influencers be allowed to market products?
- Should drugs be legal?
Argumentative Essay Topics for Undergraduates
Undergraduate students always have the toughest situations to face due to their academic loads. Just like every passing year, the load of assignments and projects increases for students. In the same way, undergraduates are assigned topics that cover multiple areas in a single essay. Likewise, students have to apply different approaches with genuine information and examples. Therefore, undergraduates can write on the following topics:
- Do CEOs make too much money?
- Are workers more productive at home?
- Should schools allow corporal punishment?
- Should college be compulsory for all kids?
- Should religious groups and organisations have to pay taxes like businesses do?
- Is affirmative action effective?
- Should people be fined for not recycling?
- Should steroid users be banned from their sport forever?
- Is there an income inequality problem in the United States?
- Are schools safer with armed guards?
Inductive Argumentative Style Essay Topics
In essay writing, you can also come up with an inductive essay argumentative writing style that ends with a logical conclusion. Hence, the ending must look real and authentic. An argumentative is a game of two perspectives, and the writers used these perspectives in order to discuss the topic broadly. In the same way, an inductive style employs evidence to give hypothetical examples in between and end of an essay. So, for that style, you should consider topics such as:
- Critical Thinking in Everyday Life
- Role of Parents in Physical Education and Sport
- Walking a Guest: Hospitality Industry Fraud
- Why can’t people feed themselves
- Effect of Video Games on Kids
- Broken Family
- Approaches to Learning Languages
- Career Path Nursing
- Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses of Reason as a Way of Knowing
Everyday Life Social Argumentative Topics
Those who want to experiment with their writing styles and need topics to discover more about their brainstorming and writing capabilities then pick some common issues and most asked questions. An argumentative approach gives an open hand opportunity to discuss any issue openly. In that case, you can start writing your essay on the following topics.
- What are the pros and cons of making friends virtually?
- What is the biggest challenge faced by students today?
- Are social media sites like Facebook and Twitter bad for our society?
- Our society works on gender equality.
- Youngsters on social networks don’t realise the significance of privacy on these online sites.
- Should religion be taught in public schools?
- Hard work isn’t enough for being successful in a student’s life.
- Pros and cons of social media.
- Has technology made people less efficient?
- Is there a stigma attached to seeking out mental health help?
Bottom Line
It is not difficult to find topics related to any type of essay writing. But it is important to have practice on those topics that cover current issues and activities around the globe. Likewise, having a strong command essay writing style will make you an expert in writing an essay on every assigned topic. So, keep practising and never stop learning new things. Take Care!