Bima means insurance; you must have heard this word at some point in your life. But do not know what happens or in how many dates, how to do, then this article is very useful for you. In this we are telling you everything related to insurance.
Read the details of insurance in the blog:
The first question in the mind of all of you will be that what is insurance?
What is Insurance?
Insurance Me We buy an insurance from any one insurance company for ourselves or for something important, in which we first pay a fixed amount for a fixed amount of time or even the net money in one go have to do.
And in the worst case, when there is some damage to us or the OS Vastu, which we have insured, it is the insurance company Karti who compensates.
The amount to be paid is decided according to the amount you have given in the transaction. It is a written contract with an insurance company.
Now that we have understood what insurance is, let us talk about why insurance is necessary.
What are the benefits of having insurance?
Insurance is like a safety tool to face any problem in life. Insurance is the most basic step in financial planning. Every person takes insurance to secure his family and his future.
Life insurance policy
This policy provides protection against the untimely death of the Person.
This policy plan is also saving for old age. Taking a policy is the best plan to save.
You can also take a loan from any bank by guaranteeing your policy.
General Insurance
In today’s time when there is no trust left in anything then it is very important to have everything insured. General insurance provides you with a financial protection which enables you to solve your life problems easily. Taking general insurance sometimes also provides mental protection. In case of crisis, we handle the situation calmly.
what is the type of insurance
Mainly insurance is of 2 spreads:
1: Life insurance means life insurance
2: General Insurance
Life insurance is bought for an individual, which means that if the person dies due to some misfortune, then some amount called premium is paid by the insurance company to his family members. Insurance is also a type of savings.
In life insurance, the customer who buys the insurance has to deposit some amount with the insurance company for a certain time, or how much premium will be received from him, depending on how long or how much installment amount he has to pay.
Life insurance policies are made by the company and everyone’s premium plan is different. At what time there are 24-25 insurance companies available in India in which Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is the oldest or government company. How much life insurance should be taken, this is also a big question in the mind of any insurance buyer, we will tell you a formula by which you can easily decide your amount.
Income per year *8-(Savings) -(Loan)= Life Sum Assured
Whether the amount derived from the formula should be the APK Actual Life Sum Assured.
General Insurance i.e. Simple Insurance:
This is the insurance that we lay down for some of our non-living things such as home insurance, bike insurance, phone insurance, health insurance, etc. This is usually the full sum insured I have to pay once like if you are getting your bike insured then you have to buy some fixed amount insurance or renew it annually. It consists of simple things like:
Motor insurance
According to the transport rules of India, it is equally important to have insurance of any two wheeler, three wheeler or four wheeler as much as the bike rider should have a driving license.
If you sing without insurance while driving a bike, scooty or even a vehicle, then you may have to pay a fine to the traffic police.
Bike or car insurance is also a written contract between the customer or the insurance company, in which it would have been said that if there was any damage to your vehicle, what percentage should the insurance company compensate us for the loss.
This amount is already there in every company’s insurance deal. And at the same time, the insurance company also has a cover reputation that if a third person has suffered some damage from your bike or car, then the insurance company pays for some of that too. IISCO is covered under third party insurance.
Almost every insurance company offers motor insurance. You must choose your own insurance company on your own.
Phone insurance
These days a phone is one of the most important things for anyone, and now that a phone is so important, it is equally important to have insurance.
The insurance of the phone is done only at the time of purchase, in the event of the phone itself being broken, damaged or stolen, the insurance company compensates for some percentage of the loss. But there are some terms and conditions which the insurance company mentions.
There is an insurance company available in the market for bht sarees that insures smart phones. The amount of insurance depends on the cost of your phone.
Home insurance
If you have insured your home from any insurance company, you can cover the damage to your house in advance. Home insurance can be claimed in case of natural calamities of every kind like earthquake, fire, water flood etc. is covered. Many insurance companies provide the facility of home insurance; you can choose the insurance of your company yourself.
Health insurance
Today, the way diseases have remained after, in the same way, the amount of deeds done in their treatment has also remained the same.
If someone has health insurance, then the insurance company gives some money for the treatment of his sick. What percentage will the insurance company cover in the treatment of any insurance you us depends on the health insurance plan of the company.
To make a health insurance claim, a work patient needs to be hospitalized for 24 hours, if the patient is discharged from the hospital before 24 hours, then we cannot claim health insurance.
And also Bhat spread has general insurance like travel insurance, crop insurance, business liability insurance, shop insurance ect.
You can buy insurance by selecting your insurance company according to your need.