Nowadays, People assume that they have an immediate and mystic connection with the Quran. In this era, people do a conversation about you either have a connection with the Quran or you don’t have. Unluckily this makes us realize guilty when we identify our lows Eman. Most People always talk about their lows and high Eman, but they do not concentrate on it to make a strong connection with Quran to their Eman on a high level.
We all have faith in Allah, his Might, hi creation of all Universe, and everything on it. On the other hand, have faith is one thing that realizes us to connect with Allah through his worship and Quran reading. You also know the Quran’s importance, but honestly speaking, you feel incapable to connect with the Quran and relay on an extremely personal level.
A Muslim must make sure for practically or online Quran reading for connected to Allah. Here are some tips that will help us to make a connection with the Quran. With online Quran reading, we will be able to increase and continue the connection over time. We will grow a deep love for Allah’s words with time. We will feel empty one day when we don’t read or listen to the Quran.
Pick Up The Quran
It is the first step to make you strong for connected Allah, but it is hardest for many. Start with pick up the Quran from the bookshelf, remove its dust, and keep it in a nearby place you can take any time. Once again feel the moment to have the Quran in your hands. If it will always be visible for you, you will more possibly desire to pick it up and learn it.
Start Reading
When you start reading the Quran, you should read a few verses, or if it is possible to read half a page, but make sure you will read similarly every day. Reliability is the key to making a habit. You should have a regular schedule at prayer times, or if you sit down for TV or phone, should pick up the Quran and read. And if you are not prescriptively pure like you don’t have wudu then use an app for online Quran reading.
Learn Proper Tajweed
The Quran is a book of Allah which means to be recited and reading it by heart and mind. Make a good effort to learn tajweed and also its rules by attending the Quran classes, from online Quran teachers, or listening to videos.
Study Tafseer
God’s words are extremely deep and timeless, so sympathetic to them needs to leap a little deeper into the senses behind the words. You will know why the verses were exposed, the past context as well the decisions that came along with them. It will be tough to understand why the verses were exposed, what they say, but it will help you to understand how verses can be related to your personal life.
Learn Arabic
One of the best ways to connect with the Quran with understanding the deeper meanings is called the learn Arabic. So don’t worry. You can easily learn Arabic sounds and their meaning with the expert’s one or online apps. Learning some Arabic keywords will help you to understand the entire parts of the Quran that you can read. It will also enhance your focus during Salah!
Quran Study Group
I know it is so difficult task. But for more motivation and help, one of the best pieces of advice is that you should do group study. To join a local study group you will be able to improve your learning and connection rather than individuals. If youth groups or student societies are available, then you will attend regularly. It is a bonus for you to make a lot of friends in the process.
Download an App
Nowadays it is very difficult to go anywhere, if it is a tough task for you to go to any place, then find a good Quran app for you to read and learn. You should not miss your time for reading Quran or few verses per day. Find a good and authentic app that you will be able to also listen to the Quran and learn very well at your home. Download it on your phone and use it to read and learn the Quran.
Listen to the Quran Recitation
The Quran is our final book for our life. So it recitation is most compulsory. One of its visions is the numerous systems in which it can be performed. If you want to get the best way to fall in love with the Quran then you should listen to it regularly. It will help you to learn Quran with Tajweed. Also, you will realize the sense of peace and calmness when you will listen.
Start Memorizing
To make a better connection with the Quran, you will be making a habit of memorizing a few verses or some small part of the Quran. Start from the 30 Sarah and learn some small Surahs in the start. It will also improve your Salaah because you read those surahs in your prayer, which you already memorize. The act of rereading these Surahs will have you connected with the Quran.
Conclusion For Quran Reading
These are some tips that will help you to make your connection strong with Allah. With aiming and trying, we will make our best effort to improve this in our daily life. Because this is final for us in this world and hereafter. It is the most important part of our life because the connection with Allah gives us inner satisfaction that make our health good. Always remember that Allah also gives hope when he describes to us that when and why we take a step just before him, He takes a better and superior step, and if we will come to him walking with hopes, he will also come to us running!