In the world of legal reporting, there are two major categories that include all types of court reporting: freelance reporters and professional court reporters. Freelance court reporters normally work for small law firms or work as independent contractors for large law firms. Most freelancers start out working for no pay at all and learn on the job. Some professional court reporters, on the other hand, are hired by large law firms as full-time employees and are paid an appropriate wage and benefit package.
There are a number of differences between freelance and professional court reporters. Freelance reporters generally work independently, while professional reporters are often connected to a law firm, law firms or other agencies. When working as an independent contractor, freelance reporters have little or no influence over the reporting produced by other companies. Most freelancers use a pen name, which may not be connected with their law firm or agency. Many professional court reporters work for established law firms as well. However, there are many who work for smaller companies or law firms that do not retain them as full-time employees.
Types of Court Reporting Services Typically, these professionals are hired to do a variety of tasks including transcribing depositions, interviewing witnesses, drafting legal documents, preparing opinions and attending trials. The various types of reporters incorporate a wide range of skills and approach to the profession. Transcribers typically listen to depositions from witnesses and callers and then type or record them into text files. Court reporters also transcribe hearings and other proceedings as well as any written documents associated with such events. They may also draft opinions and write articles that are used in court.
While most reporters work exclusively for attorneys, there are others who work for law firms and other agencies as well. Some reporters specialize in particular areas, such as trial preparation, crime reporting, real estate law and environmental law. Others work solely for media corporations. This allows them to cover a wide variety of topics and earn a good living. Some court reporting services are freelance and some are part of a larger newsroom that employs dozens of reporters and writers.
Employment for reporters can be found in a number of different locations. There are numerous newspapers and magazines that hire reporters full-time and others simply need individuals to fill in during the day. In addition to newspapers and magazines, freelance reporters and Internet writing sites commonly need individuals to write short reports, articles and other pieces for their coverage. Online writing services and other freelance websites are an excellent way to work from home and earn a decent living.
To become a professional court reporter, you will need a high school diploma or the completion of college. Those who are interested in becoming reporters should pursue a career in a field that is in demand. For example, reporters are needed in foreclosures, corporate law and criminal cases. A few specific examples of where court reporters are needed include civil litigation, trial preparation, media and entertainment, personal injury, real estate and immigration. There are many other areas of the legal system that need reporters but those mentioned above are among the most common.