So in this video, Iwant to share with you guys the 7 different income streams .
I was able to build by thetime I was 24 years old. This is not the typical approach for someone in their young 20’s. So I want to explain to youhow I was able to do it. And really the reasoning behind why I really decided to do it. So where this all started was about the time I was 18 years old is when I got my first real job.
I worked for a startup company that was only a coupleyears into business. And I worked for them forfour years until I was 21. And when I was 21, I was kind of relying on this income. I was making $17 an hour plus commission, so I was doing pretty well. But all of a sudden myboss got an email saying that her job she was fired, and that meant that I was fired as well. So out of nowhere, just literally waking up the next day. I found out that morningthat.
I no longer had a job. This hit me like a ton of bricks, because this was theincome I was relying on and I didn’t have anyexperience otherwise telling me that you can just be fired from your job just like that with no explanation. I thought you would get notice, I thought I would be able toplan something in advance. So I had no job at this point. This was when I had to goout and find another job. So I did find another job. And this was about the time.
I was 22 years old. And I didn’t want this to happen again. So I started to kindof proactively look at what were other ways thatyou can make money online. How do you safeguard this? How do you diversify? What do you do so youdon’t just get fired, and then have no job and no income. So while I was working at this job, I started to look intodifferent ways to make money. And I didn’t have money to invest. So I couldn’t buy real estate, I couldn’t invest in the stock market,
I didn’t have money to invest up front. So I had to find ways thatI could just use my skills or just use labor. Something where I could put in time and then get money from that long term. So long story short is this iswhere that transition started from me working a single job to diversifying and startinggetting income streams online. So with that said, I only worked at that job for a year and then when I was 23 and now 24 is when I’ve been workingon online income streams. And now I’m completelyfinancially independent of any job and the funny part is, is I’m making at least five times more than I ever did on salary. So I’m glad that I made this transition, and I’m just making thesevideos to try to help you guys to go through this same transition. Now before I get into theseseven income streams here,
I really just wanna giveone quick piece of advice. And that is if you are working at a job and you’re about to gothrough this transition, don’t jump ship too early. You have to at least build a raft. What I mean by that is, you’re on a ship right now. You have that income comingin something you can rely on. If you just jump overboard, you just quit your joband you just decide,
I’m gonna just figure out how to do this. You have no income, youhave nothing to go off of, you’re just going to drown. So what you need to dois build at least a raft. Start doing this, start doing some of the things that I’m gonna explain in this video, until you have some kindof income you can rely on. Even if it’s not the full amount that you’re making at your job, you will have a raft. You’ll have something thatyou can float on for a while, while you keep building it up. And then you will have another ship that you can rely on that income. Start doing these things after hours once you get off your job, until you have something youcan transition into nicely. Alright, hopefully you guyshave some context on this now. Now let’s get into theseven passive income streams that I was able to create. So the first one is what I recommend for anyone getting started. I’ve talked about this before, but that is Teespring. Teespring is a print-on-demand platform where you basically just create designs. You don’t need any paid software for this, you can do it completely for free.
There are some apps that willhelp you do the designing. So you don’t have to bean artist or a creative. But you’re just creatingcatchy, trendy things to put on T-shirts, or mugs, or different articles of clothing. And then you upload it to Teespring. And it creates a virtual listing. And then people can come and buy it.
They pay for the whole thing, Teespring prints it and ships it, takes care of customer service and just puts the profitright into your account that you can pay out. This is great for anyone, because there’s no startup cost. It’s literally just youfinding ideas on the internet, creating them and uploadingthem to Teespring. You can spend just anhour after work every day, and you’ll be able to create five or six maybe 10 designs every day, upload them to Teespring. And you start compounding this, you do this for a while then you’re gonna have 100 200 300 differentdesigns on Teespring while you’re still workingyour full time job.
You won’t have to worry about this, but it’ll be makingmoney in the background. So when you go home youcan check your account, see how much money you made on Teespring This is a good way to startbuilding up that raft. If you need more on this, I’ve got videos. I’ll link one up here for Teespring. And there’s a couple ofgood ones on the channel that will help you go through kind of everything youneed to know for Teespring.
So once I found out that youcould do this on Teespring, I started to look a bit further. Where else could I do thisprint-on-demand style. And this led me into mysecond passive income stream and this was Merch by Amazon.
What I found out thatAmazon is in everything. well, they’re also in print-on-demand. Very similar to Teespring, Amazon has a programcalled Merch by Amazon. Now what’s amazing aboutthis is it’s non exclusive. Now the same designs thatyou upload to Teespring, you can take those designs and upload them to Merch by Amazon. Now you’re just gonna get free traffic from people searching on Amazon that are going to be buyingthose designs as well. Maybe those people don’tknow about Teespring. So they didn’t see it on Teespring. But they did see it onAmazon, double the money.