Energy storage is necessary to store excess electricity produced by renewable energy production. The energy produced can be stored in batteries, or systems that use wind and solar power. These systems are called ancillary services. As these systems are usually big, expensive and complicated to maintain and manage, many businesses and households are not able to afford them.
To address this problem, various companies have developed methods of creating small portable energy generating systems. This technology has been proven to be highly efficient, but it is expensive and bulky compared to gas-fired capacity or onshore wind farms. For these reasons, it is not suitable for large scale electricity storage needs. One such application is in providing portable heating and cooling. In this case the technology combines small scale wind turbines and heat pump generation with portable ancillary services to provide a cost effective solution.
There is a growing concern among utility companies about renewable energy storage and grid stability. There is a fear that the intermittently generated power might cause problems with the normal electricity grid. If the frequency of the power output goes above and beyond what the system can handle, it causes an overload. When this happens the utility company has to take action to balance the load by sending extra power to the area. This process is called frequency modulation.
A new system uses electrical power flowing through a flow cell. The flow cell is a semiconductor which absorbs and stores the energy. The energy is then converted into mechanical energy, which can be utilized by the generator. The system works best on low and medium amperes.
The most recent technology involves combining the advantages of the two previously mentioned technologies. It uses the combined advantages of a solid state battery and a non-volatile, rechargeable non-maintenance free energy storage system. This new innovative approach between the renewable energy storage system and the grid makes it very efficient and safe. The combination allows for environmentally friendly energy solutions.
An excellent renewable sources storage project has been initiated. This project is the first of its kind in the world. It aims to use the advantages of a non-electricity generated, totally renewable sources of energy to provide a safe and secure energy supply for the nation. Its primary goal is to build the largest non-electricity generating CAE grid within the Europe. In its second phase, the grid will be linked with an existing, electrical-powered grid so as to supplement the renewable sources of energy.
The idea of this project is to use the benefits of a non-electricity generated, totally renewable sources of energy (solar and wind) to provide a steady and reliable source of electricity for the entire nation. In the planning stage, it was discovered that it would be easier to store surplus electricity produced by these alternative energy sources using the pumped storage. Pumps are used for storing excess energy produced by renewable sources. One example of such a device is a wind-driven turbine. However, while using these pumped-storage devices, one must take into consideration that this system will produce electricity at a much higher cost.
The third phase of the renewable energy project is currently being developed. It is focused on using the advantages of a fully-electric power plant to generate electricity by means of a natural gas generator. It is also important to note that this system will not only eliminate the necessity for the construction of a non-electric power plant but it will also make way for hydro and other non-electrical sources of energy. Such projects are an example of significant developments in renewable energy. Such an initiative is necessary to help us save money from the fuel bill.
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