In taking the CFA exam, the ranking among other CFA aspirants is very important. However, even if you know the ranking of the tests you took in the Mock test, you do not know how good you are when compared to the other aspirants. In such a case, I would like to utilize the “CFA test series”. This time, we will introduce the merits of taking the “mock test” and how to use it.
However, there are many advantages to the CFA test series besides being able to know your current situation!!!
I will introduce the benefits from now on!
Quite good questions are asked
There are more good questions than commercial reference books!
Also, the explanations are quite substantial, so even if you can’t solve the exam, you can use it as a review material!
You can handle the amount of study that you cannot usually do alone in one day
How long do you stay focused when you are studying in a study room? Perhaps you will lose your concentration in about 30 minutes? By solving the problem in a tense space called a mock exam isn’t the test time over before you know it? In the mock exam, my concentration was quite good, You can solve an unthinkable amount of problems! In other words, you can solve better problems than usual by taking a mock exam. It means that we can pursue both quantity and quality!!!
A mock exam that gives a sharp impression to daily monotonous study
By knowing this and taking a mock exam, you will be able to go to the actual product
without wasting the mock exam and without having a negative effect due to the result of the mock exam.
There are two benefits to taking a mock exam for students who are preparing to enter high school.
- You can see the results in the same level of the CFA examination
The first advantage is that you can see the ranking in the same difficulty exam. You can objectively know where you are because the grades are clarified not only in your school but also in the students who take the exam in the same year.
- You can get a feel for the exam
The mock exam is created according to the format of the exact CFA exam. Therefore, you can get used to the question format by taking a mock exam. By practicing while thinking about which problem you can spend how much time you can spend and which problem you should solve first, you will be able to solve the problem without any hassle even on the day of the actual CFA examination test.
In addition, the CFA free test papers will inform you of the range of questions in advance, but there is no such advance notice in the mock exam. One of the merits of the mock exam is that you can experience the tension of not knowing what kind of questions will be asked.