What is [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] ?
[pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] is the error you receive mostly when the Outlook version you are using in your computer or desktop is not compatible with the version of you windows or computer. If you are wondering what the pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336 causes then it will block or prevent you from sending or receiving emails from your Outlook. Some other causes for [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] are as follows:
What Causes The [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] Error?
Before running around trying various methods to solve the [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] error let us first understand why the [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] error occur. This error is most common when there are too many accounts in your outlook application. This is by far the most common reason due to which users encounter the [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] error. This isn’t the only reason. There are several other reasons as well due to which one can encounter the [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] error. Let’s take a look at them all.
[pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] Error Reasons
- Error in installation process of MS Outlook.
- Using multiple Outlook accounts.
- Not clearing the cache memory.
- Non-approximate model for MS Outlook.
- Computer not promoting the latest version of Outlook.
- Installing programs in computers that do not support Outlook.
- Not connected to the Internet or your mail server is temporarily unavailable.
- Account settings are incorrect.
- The user profile on Outlook has been damaged.
- Any email on your POP3 server is damaged.
- Anti-Virus software configuration is incorrect.
- The configuration of your personal firewall software is incorrect.
Apart from using multiple accounts on one outlook application, the [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] error could also be caused due to using the outdated offline version of the outlook. It can also be caused by incorrectly installing Microsoft outlook. These are a few reasons due to which one may experience the [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] error.
Since we have learned how the [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] error is caused, let us see some of the steps that will help us to fix the [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] error without any problem. Let’s start with one.
How To Solve [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336]
Now that you know the different causes for pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336 we will discuss different solutions for solving the problem. After following each of the solutions mentioned below you will be able to fix the pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336 problem. Although we have tried to make each step as clear as possible, if you are still unsure about any of the steps, please comment below. We will do our best to resolve your problem
5 Methods To Fix Error [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336]
Solution 1 – Check and delete duplicate accounts
As you know [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] is caused by duplicate account or multiple accounts, so checking for it and deleting it should be the first step to solve the problem.
You can change the view of your computer’s Control panel by changing it to ” large categories“.
Next, search for “Mail“, and then click on it. Mail Control Panel
After clicking on ” mail“, a popup screen will appear. Click on ” EMail accounts” to open the popup.
You will find all of your Outlook accounts stored on your desktop. Look for duplicate accounts or multiple accounts. You can select an account you find and click the ” Remove button. Email Account
We recommend that you delete all accounts in Microsoft Outlook and only add one account. If deleting all the accounts and re-adding them doesn’t work then move to the next solution to solve [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336].
Solution 2 – Checker for Device Compatibility
Another main reason for [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] is the incompatible version of Outlook. It is best to verify that the version we use of Outlook is compatible with the version we use of Desktop. It is easy to check if your device is compatible. Follow these steps to check if your device is compatible.
Open Microsoft Outlook in your desktop.
Select About Microsoft Office Outlook from the Help Menu.
The version of your outlook will be displayed in the About section.
Outlook Version: To find the version of Outlook, go to this link. Check if the Outlook version you have installed on your computer is compatible. Uninstall Outlook and then install the compatible version. This should fix your problem of [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336].
You should use the compatible version to access Outlook.
Solution 3 – Check for Antivirus Firewall rules
If the PST file repair doesn’t resolve the problem, you might want to check the firewall rules for windows defender and antivirus.
You can be sure that Microsoft Outlook was downloaded from pirated sites. You must ensure that you download the application from the official Microsoft website. Ask your friend or colleague if they have installed the application on your computer.
Once you have confirmed that the Outlook is from official source and still receive [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] error, then its time to check for antivirus firewall rules. You don’t need to know how to look for firewall rules, but you do not want to compromise the virus protection on your computer. It is better to disable antivirus and see if Outlook is still working. After disabling the antivirus if pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336 error is solved then the problem is with the firewall rules and you need some expert advice to fix it (which we will not explain here but if you request we can extend this topic and explain here.)
Navigate to the Frequently Asked Questions page of your antivirus to disable it. Different antivirus have different layouts and we don’t know what antivirus you use. You can disable windows defender if you don’t use any antivirus.
Select Start > Settings>>> Windows Security > Windows Security > Viral & Threat Protection > Manage settings.
Switch Real time protection to Off.
After disabling antivirus and firewall check whether [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] is solved or not. Move on to the next solution if it’s not resolved.
Solution 4 – Check for Network Connection
Many users has reported that facing interference with internet has caused [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] so its better to check whether you have stable internet connection or not. Many websites can check your internet speed. These are just a few:
If you are facing the trouble with your internet connection then its better to wait for internet to be stable again and check where there is still [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] or not.
If you still face pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336 error then its better to use VPN, this has solved the problem for most of our readers.
Solution 5 – Reinstall the application
If none of the solution so far worked then we have come to the last resort to solve the [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] error. You can reinstall Outlook even if you have the latest compatible version. This has been proven to solve many unknown problems for the majority of Outlook applications. Follow these steps to reinstall Outlook.
Click on ” Program” in the Control Panel.
Double-click on Microsoft Office by searching for it.
To uninstall the application, follow the steps on the screen.
Download the latest version of Microsoft Office to install the application again
Log in to your account
Check whether you can still see [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] or not.
No doubt [pii_email_be5f33dbc1906d2b5336] is frustrating but you don’t have to worry about any of the problems till we are here to provide you with the solutions. If none of the above steps solve your problem, then you can use the online Outlook version. This is the best solution to your problem.
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