Solar Power Energy Facts - What You Need to Know About This Energy Source
Solar power can be defined as the conversion of solar energy to electrical energy, either directly with photovoltaic cells, indirectly with concentrating solar power, or by a combination. Solar power systems use mirrors or lenses and solar trackers to concentrate a larger area of sun-light into a much smaller beam. This concentrated solar energy is then used to generate electricity. The electricity generated by solar power can be stored in deep cycle batteries or immediately fed into your home power grid.
A solar power system consists of many small solar panels on a roof or other visible structure. One solar panel receives direct solar electricity from the sun, while the others are receiving alternating current (AC) from your home utility’s power lines. Your utility company will bill you for the solar electricity you have generated. However, it is possible to sell your solar electricity back to your utility company, and you can also make money on your own solar electricity generating system by selling excess energy to your net metering and storage accounts. Many households have already taken advantage of solar electricity generated at their homes; you can too.
Your direct sun-energy is converted into electricity with solar power panels. The solar energy is captured through solar cells; the photovoltaic cells in your solar power generator convert light energy into electricity. You can get panels that have up to four solar cells in each for eighty-five percent energy conversion efficiency. The more solar power cells a solar generator has, the more efficient its electrical output will be.
PV cells or photovoltaic cells come in different shapes and sizes to help heat and radiate the sun’s rays efficiently. Your solar panels need to be carefully positioned to catch the maximum amount of solar radiation during the day. If your solar panels are not placed on an area that gets full sun during the morning hours, it will not be effective in heating your Solar on the other hand, if your solar panels are strategically placed to receive full sunlight all throughout the day, you will be able to generate enough solar power to heat your house successfully.
When solar power produces electricity, the heat from the sun is turned into thermal energy which can be used to warm your home or cool your house during the winter. The sun’s thermal energy can be used to run a few small appliances in your home, or you can use the excess thermal energy generated by your solar power generator to heat your swimming pool. You can even install solar panels on your hot water tank to store thermal energy for later use.

During the summer months, solar power can be used to keep your swimming pool at a comfortable temperature. Solar powered hot water systems can also be installed in order to provide your household with free hot water. During the winter, the sun’s energy can be used to heat your home and send thermal energy into your home’s insulation so that you do not have to spend a fortune on heating your home. You can also use solar power to provide your home with power for lighting for your walkways and landscaping your landscape.
Photovoltaic solar panels are used to collect solar power. These solar panels have been developed over the last fifty years and are now considered one of the most cost effective energy resources available. They are made up of a collection of solar cells. The number of solar cells in your panel will depend upon how much solar power you want to produce. They are designed to absorb as much sunlight as possible and then convert the energy into direct current electricity. In order to achieve the greatest amount of solar power you need, you will want to install several smaller photovoltaic solar panels.
Photovoltaic solar power has no moving parts, which means that they are extremely durable. They are also capable of working in cold climates, which means that you can provide electricity for your home during the winter months when the sun does not shine as bright. Because they do not move, they do not cause any wear and tear on the solar cells that they collect from the sunlight. They are environmentally friendly and do not add any toxic materials to the air.