Your dog needs a place to roam about and run free. This helps them burn of excess energy, while also providing healthy exercise. If you do wish to provide an outdoor space for your dog on your property, a fence is an absolute must. However, there are many different options when it comes to the dog run fence Calgary homeowners choose. Here are the most important things to consider when choosing a fence for your dog.
While there are plenty of fence designs that will be both aesthetically pleasing and secure, there are also fences that might not be as effective. Therefore, while you want to choose a fence design that will enhance the appearance of your property, you can’t choose one that will not provide the protection and security you need for your dog. For example, a wrought iron fence with too much spacing between the poles would not work for smaller dogs who can easily squeeze through the spaces.
Activity Level
Dogs have varying activity levels which is an important factor when choosing a fence. While your dog might be small, it might be a very agile, active dog capable of hopping a fence in the blink of an eye. Consider how active your dog is to calculate the risk of them scaling or jumping the fence to ensure you keep them contained. Usually, 4 feet is a good starting point, which should increase based on either the size of your dog or their jumping skills
As mentioned in design, the spacing between pickets and poles is a major concern for dog fences, but so is the space beneath your fence. Some dogs might look pretty stalky, but when put to the test can wriggle under a fence if they are determined enough. The most important measurement for spaces both between pickets and below the fence line is the size of your dog’s head. If their head can’t fit, the rest of them won’t either.
Even tiny dogs can pack a lot of power when they put their whole body and heart into it. As a result, they can do a lot more damage to a fence than you might think. Consider your dog’s strength when choosing a fencing material as with enough force, a dog can take out a section of fence and make its escape. Look for durable materials that will reduce the risk of escape no matter how small your dog might be.
Most dogs will take to digging if they decide they want out. If you know your dog is a determined digger you might need to consider sinking some mesh netting to help deter them from digging themselves out.
Locks and Latches
Make sure you choose a gate with a lock or latch that sits as high up on the fence as possible. This will make it harder for them to jump up and unlock or unlatch it to make their escape.
These tips will make sure you have the perfect dog run fence Calgary homeowners need to keep their pets safe.