Death is the most detested and feared ‘fact. People do not wish to contemplate it. It’s an unanswerable mystery. It isn’t the death of the body as thought by some. It actually marks the beginning of the eternal life. When someone dies in Islam then Muslims recite a dua called inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un.
Jahannam also known as Hell. And hell is created for us by Allah to punish the wrongdoers during the next life. The idea of Jahannam’s levels is dependent on the severity of the crimes committed by sinners. Muslims believe that there are seven levels in Jahannam similar to the seven levels in heaven. They are also known as gate of hell and are associated with different types of punishments both spiritual and physical in the nature.
The Concept of Jahannam in Islam
The Muslim belief that Jahannam is a constant flaming pit of flames. The fire that is in Jahannam is the most intense intensity and has a black colour. Jahannam is the location where all humans and jinn is warned and told to abstain from all sins. Hell’s punishment is inexhaustible for non-believers as well as backbiters, whereas in the case of Muslims the punishment is based on the crimes committed by them.
The Concept of Jannah in Islam
Islam define heaven as Jannah. The paradise in which those who are good will are able to rest afterlife. The holy Quran defines it as a garden of pleasure. These are places where people are honoured when they die for the good deeds they’ve performed throughout their lives. This is why Muslim believe that if one adheres to the rules laid out by Allah and is not guilty of a crime, and remains well throughout their life then they are destined for heaven.
Seven Levels of Jahannam
Jahannam can be divided in seven stages which are situated beneath each other according to the weight of sinners.
1. Jahannam is the first hell level
The first level of hell is reserve intended for Muslims who committed sin within the world. It is the least hot among the levels and offers the least severe punishment for those who are sinful. If sinners are caught in its gates , their faces will be burned , and the flame will devour their flesh. In this place, Allah will regenerate their flesh at every time after they’ve been burned.
2. Ladah
The second gate of Jahannam or Ladah. This level is beneath Jahannam and is reserve for those and Jinn who didn’t believe in Allah and rejected the Prophet’s teachings and didn’t consider them to be messengers from Allah. The most severe punishment for this stage is the fire is able to destroy the organs, one at a time, both internally and externally and then eventually end up destroying their body.
3. Saqar
The third and final level of Jahannam is located beneath Ladah. The punishment for those who are here is that the fire will devour their flesh, but not bones. The four main reasons people are able to be in this category in Jahannam are:
- They didn’t perform Salah (prayer).
- They didn’t offer food to the needy.
- Used to speak vainly to those who had no hope, and pursue the path of injustice and untruth.
- They resisted their existence as a Day of Reward and Resurrection (Qayamat).
4. Al-Hutamah
This area is beneath Saqar. In this level there will scorch infidels to the bone and ignite their organs and hearts. The fire will begin at their feet , and will then move towards their hearts. The belief is sinner will cry until the point that their tear glands be dry and also their blood will dry out and the tear will flow in such a massive quantity that even their eyes, it could be able to do so effortlessly.
5. Jaheem
This gate beneath to Al-Hutamah which is a huge chunk of coal that is larger than the lowest level. Sinners will put in this place for three reasons:
- They did not have the right belief in Allah.
- Refused to grant the proper rights to the inventions.
- Do not promote feeding the hungry.
6. Saeer
This level of Jahannam is beneath Jaheem. In this level fire is burning since the time it was created. It is comprises of 300 castles, each with 300 huts, each of which they have 300 bedrooms and, within each room there are 300 kinds of punishments. The pain is unbearable, unimaginable and extremely painful. There are scorpions, chains, snakes, ropes and more.
7. Al-Hawwiyah is the highest levels of Jahhanam
The lowest and final stage of Hell. This is the 7th level in Jahannam, which is located beneath Saeer. There is a belief that there will never be a release of sinners at this point. There is complete darkness at this level. Non-believers and backbiters will punish in this level. Sinners who are in this level will be crush beneath mountains and laid face to faces. The hands of criminals will be tie to their necks, as well as their necks tie to their legs.
Levels of Jahannam Conclusion
The only purpose for humans in Islam is to pray to Allah and follow the way outlined by Him. Furthermore, the world of material things and the difficulties it presents serves as a test to determine how the final days of a human being will look. Based on the acts of the person in this world, a person will be within Heaven and Hell.
Muslims believe that Allah is the one who judges their lives. Since they live on earth for a short period of time, they must prepare for the life that will follow. All Muslims consider their lives as a test , and do their best to accomplish the most good acts feasible. They hope to make it to Jannah and meet the Islamic obligations.