Jewelry can be bifurcated in to two general categories namely custom made jewelry and factory made jewelry. Both aim to achieve the same purpose but hugely differ in makes, design and style. Custom or personalized jewelry is unique items that are made to one individual based on the demands and specifications. Making custom jewelry has been in practice in Indian sub-continent and many jewellers with their unique and traditional style made custom jewelry for royalty, rich and famous and also people who come from lesser economic class. Indian jewelry history has given us several famous jewelry making styles and you can order them from personalized jewelry store that will make the pieces with gold, precious stones, silver and other related materials.
Personalized jewelry can be ethnic or contemporary because they are ordered to be made according to the wishes of an individual client. The purpose is to own a jewelry set or piece that is not replicated by others in the society. This makes jewelry making quite interesting and at the same time complex. Exquisite craftsmanship and skills are poured in to making these jewelry items. In the mass production sector jewelry pieces resembling each other are identically made in an assembly line. This process is carried out when a new style becomes famous and to keep supplying to demand they are mass produced. That is the reason why they are not made with an individual’s taste or preference in mind. These jewelry pieces tend to be cheaper than custom made jewelry because of the overall reduction in manufacturing cost.
Jewellery pieces you buy from personalized jewelry store are one of kind type jewelry. Custom pieces are conceived by design which is the concept of an individual who has envisaged how the jewelry piece should look like. When an individual goes to a custom jewelry maker he or she will narrate the details of how the jewelry should look like. The jeweller takes note of the specification and accordingly chooses base metal/metals and gems and set to work on the design. This exercise is carried out exclusively for each individuals and the process usually costs more than an assembly line made jewelry. Most of the traditional jewelry you find in the Indian origin is custom made because you will still find a jeweller shop in a locality and specific jewelry markets in sub-urban and urban areas.
Online Clothes Shopping UAE
Clothing is another article that plays the crucial role of giving cover to human body and helps create their own identity. Clothing is special because it has the power to give a specialized look to an individual while enabling them to make a style statement. A variety of clothing for women and men are made by individual tailor shops and fashion houses that cater to high profile gentry. Earlier clothing scene was dominated by individual tailoring houses that use to provide exclusive service to clients by sending dressmakers to clients’ homes. The trend changed with tailoring shops mushrooming all over a townscape. However the tailoring shops now are dwindling because of the dominance of factory made fabrics that you can buy from clothing stores or online clothes shopping UAE.
The tailor made clothing is custom clothing while the dresses that you buy from conventional clothing stores or online clothing stores are factory made or ready to wear clothes. The clothing you buy from stores is cheaper while compared to individual tailor shop or fashion houses. Most of these clothing you buy from online or clothing store is made in a garment factory which churns out hundreds and thousands of pieces. The difference between online and off-line clothes shopping is the variety and prices. With online shops you will find a huge variety on display and you can easily identify choose and order them at your own convenience. In a tailor shop you will have to wait where as an online shop won’t make you wait. With Online clothes shopping UAE you can instantly place orders and ask the item to be delivered at home within a fixed time frame. Online also offers huge variety and interestingly worked out pricing. You will find a huge difference in prices when you compare conventional clothing to readymade clothing.