You are still not ready. How we cried and groaned in the Burning Crusade, trying to find the same WoW
Yes, yes, we started our journey in World of Wacraft from Outland. Our most dedicated readers will even notice that the review of every add-on for this game on F95zone , starting with Pandaria, is written by the same pair of hands. Not surprisingly, we could not miss the restart of the very first and most important one according to the version of many add-ons for WoW . And they didn’t miss it. But in reality, everything turned out not quite as the imagination drew us, shaded with a pinkish veil of nostalgia.
Basically, the game hasn’t changed much, but we have changed. So let’s talk about the mechanics and features of the TBC Classic , which manage to infuriate and cause indescribable delight at the same time.
Modern WoW is without a doubt the product of marketers. Only he became such, together with the project community and the gaming industry as a whole. Most of the games like HuniePop 2 have become casual, and many of the mechanics from the classic MMORPG seemed so cool and distinctive just because nothing better was invented then. Think for yourself: the automatic group search system saves a lot of time, in the quests to collect seven feathers from forty killed ostriches there is nothing but a very merciless grind, and the need to blow out a bottle of mana after a ten-second fight in itself does not make the product more interesting.
Be that as it may, all this really spurred socialization, because it was problematic to export such things alone. This is how families were created in WoW , best friends were found, and the most soulful guilds were born. Burning Crusade is exactly the same as vanilla in this regard. There are all equally unfriendly tasks, there is no player search system, there are no markers on the map, and pumping is a serious test, not an empty formality. After all, simplifying the game will begin much later, in Cataclysm .
There is, however, another side. A couple of rather monotonous quests can take an hour. That is, here, in all seriousness, you can pick some wild boars for a long time, unsuccessfully trying to knock out a couple of tusks from them, in order to get then a paltry 10,000 experience and clothes that are not suitable for your class. This process, even with all due respect to the noble antiquity, can hardly be called fascinating.
Dark Portal Pass
If you already have a paid WoW subscription , then playing Classic , including TBC , will be free. There are, of course, some nuances here. So, adventures in Outland, in fact, begin at level 58, although in fact they are designed for the sixtieth level. From this it follows that only those who have already reached at least 58th in the usual “Classic” will be able to immediately jump into the Dark Portal. And to swing there, we recall, was also very long and difficult. We, for example, did not master this process, remaining somewhere in the Gnomeregan area after several races from the cemetery to the dungeon through the entire location. Yes, especially nimble “faiths” managed to pump the blood elves and draenei in two weeks of the update preceding the release of TBC, but such a pace is clearly not designed for those who have at least some other activities in their life besides WoW .
The community, perhaps, is indeed one of the greatest strengths of the “classics”. If in “actual” communication is now practically reduced to nothing, and what is, often, consists of rudeness, then things are quite different here. Players sincerely try to thank for the buff, chat during dungeon crawls, and add as friends to “run together afterwards.” Once we were devoured by a fel boar when we were logging out in an inappropriate area, and then, upon entering, we were immediately resurrected by a running shaman – unheard of in Shadowlands ! Playing in such a community is an order of magnitude more enjoyable. It’s great that the players are trying to maintain that same spirit of the classics on their own.
“So what does the community clause do in this story?” , – you ask. It’s very simple: the situation has changed slightly since the launch of classic servers. Yes, the tacit negative of the current version of TBC is still far away, but it cannot be compared with the launch of the “classic” either. The players got used to the new reality, the euphoria passed, and after that, not the best human qualities rose to the surface.
Mages make portals here and give food only for money. We were genuinely surprised by the enthusiastic response to free water and portals, being, in fact, a magician. Conversations for life in global chats have been replaced by a sheet of messages about the search for a group, and players who allow themselves boorish communication are often found here. And this became for us, perhaps, the main disappointment from TBC , surpassing even the too long and boring tasks that we managed to forget for 14 years.