What is a content strategy? A content strategy is an overall approach to designing and creating content on a site. Content is the vital core of your website. Visitors can’t find your site without well-written content, or they won’t find it all. If there’s no content, there can be no sales, no backlinks, no ranking, and worst of all, no traffic!
So what exactly is a content strategy? Simply put, it is the planning, design, and implementation of great content – or, more accurately, written or on-site content – on a site. This type of marketing strategy makes sense from several different perspectives. Let’s explore the five main reasons to incorporate a strategy for content marketing.
First of all, content strategy can lead to better SEO or search engine optimization. Many people think that SEO marketing is simply writing lots of articles and making them available to the masses as PDF’s and such. While this is a great way to get the word out about your company, you need to remember that search engines are always looking for fresh and new content. They will scan your material, not just when you’ve published it online but also when your content is featured in contextual links, like in the links below. Contextual links, in turn, can be the key to successful SEO. As a result, having well-written, SEO-optimized content can go a long way toward ensuring that you receive the best possible search engine results.
Second, with a well-developed content strategy, you can take stock of your business objectives and goals, both short-term and long-term. This allows you to focus on those areas that are critical to realizing your business objectives. You’ll also have a good idea of how you’re going to measure progress against those objectives. All of this can be driven by your editorial calendar, which serves as a living document that tracks everything from the number of pages being produced to the number of new blog posts you’re putting out.
Third, an SEO content strategy can help you achieve your business objectives by defining your target audience. Just as the content strategy needs to be predictive of future search results, your target audience needs to be defined so that you can create content that your target audience is more likely to find engaging and interesting. A good content strategy also enables you to measure how effective your current campaigns are against those objectives. Measuring success helps you identify what changes are necessary to reach your goals.
Fourth, an SEO content strategy can help you evaluate your marketing effectiveness. A strong marketing strategy is built on measured data. Marketers who fail to measure their results and push harder to achieve results often under-perform to their competitors. Marketers who have clearly defined marketing goals can see where they are going wrong and improve their tactics. Measurement ensures that marketers can evolve and continue to make improvements in their tactics over time.
Finally, SEO content strategy is crucial because it drives business. Content drives consumers to buy when they see the information on a page that provides insight and context about a product or service. Content allows marketers to create and distribute compelling messages that solve problems for customers. By driving business, SEO content strategies to create long term brand awareness goals that will help achieve future marketing objectives.
In conclusion, SEO content strategy is a strategic system that includes the full gamut of internet marketing activities. It includes SEO research and development, testing and evaluating new strategies, measuring ROI, creating business objectives, measuring customer support, evaluating and benchmarking strategies, creating branding objectives, communicating strategic direction, and tracking results. This system must integrate well with other internal processes, such as marketing, sales, management, accounting, and CRM. A well-oiled content strategy drives business, increases sales and creates long term customer loyalty and a strong return on investment.