They say when you are bored, you need to at least: get a coffee, read a book or hangout with your friends. But let me change the narrative – when you are bored, play a game, particularly? Monopoly. Even at an early age, we have already been introduced to the game Monopoly. As the new technologies have arrived, there are new and innovative ways to play this game! Introducing: Capitalista – the monopoly alternative from Gidd.io! However, before anything else, let us first define both games!
What is Monopoly
The best-selling privately patented board game in history, Monopoly, first became famous in the United States during the Great Depression when heating engineer Charles B. Darrow, who was out of work at the time, sold the idea to Parker Brothers in 1935. Before that, several regions of the United States had seen the circulation of handmade versions of a game of similar nature. Most were based on Lizzie G. Magie’s Landlord’s Game, a board game she created and trademarked in 1904. In 1924, she updated and extended the patent for her game. Notably, the version Magie created did not include the idea of a monopoly; instead, she saw the game as a way to show how tenants may be taken advantage of by opportunistic landlords.
How to Play Monopoly
In the real estate board game Monopoly, which has two to eight players, the player’s objective is to maintain financial stability while driving rivals into insolvency by purchasing and developing real estate. Each player selects a token at the beginning of the game, and the banker player is chosen. To start the game, players begin with at least one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500). There are ten (10) little rectangles, one on each side of the square board, symbolising various properties, railways, utilities, the prison, and other locations and occasions. Each player begins the game with the agreed upon amount of play money, and they then move across the board based on the results of a pair of dice. Any player that lands on an unclaimed property may purchase it, but if another player already owns that property, rent is due. The player who lands on a certain non-property square must draw a card, which might be favourable or unfavourable. A player may invest in upgrades for a set of properties they have acquired a monopoly over since they significantly raise the rental price of a property. A player keeps going around the board until they run out of money. Insolvency results in removal from the game. The winner is the last player still present on the board.
How to Get out of Monopoly Jail
Rolling a double, utilising a “Get out of jail free” card, or paying a $50 fee will all get you out of jail. If you pay the fee, your turn will end, and you will roll and move normally on your subsequent turns. On your third round in jail, if you don’t roll a double, pay the banker $50 and move that many spaces right away.
Monopoly Tips and Tricks
Have a big heart, start strong!
Avoiding smaller properties is a serious error that many individuals make. They instead reserve their cash for the more pricey alternatives located farther away on the Monopoly board. Don’t try to conserve money; a slow and steady approach will frequently cost you the game. Instead, make early investments and profit from them later in the game.
Be wise: choose red and orange
Are you aware that red and orange properties tend to have higher landing rates? It makes sense to purchase these as soon as you can in light of this. By doing this, you will be able to collect more rent and improve your chances of winning.
Invest in Railroads
Your chances of winning might rise if you own all four railways. Once you get them all, you may start taking money from each of the four corners of the board. To prevent the other players from possessing all four, you could wish to purchase all of them or at least one. Owning more Railroads significantly raises their rent income.
In Monopoly, it is quantity over quality
Get three (3) houses on your monopolies; make that your first focus. The rent cost between one and three residences is significantly different. A player that lands there will be penalised if they have three residences, which will boost your revenue overall and raise your chances of winning the game.
Pave way for a housing shortage
There are only thirty-two (32) residences available, thus this is a wise strategic choice. The more you possess, the less your rivals can purchase. Taking this action has two advantages. Every time someone lands on your property, you will make more money, but you will also reduce their ability to generate money. They are also prevented from constructing hotels. Four homes are needed for a hotel. Your competitors will have a hard time obtaining four if you are purchasing every home. It’s a good plan, but it could spark some disagreements.
Be Optimistic: Going to jail can be a good thing
Going to jail is often a negative thing in Monopoly, so you’ll want to get out as soon as you can. However, as the game progresses, remaining in jail might be advantageous. By this time, the board will be completely covered with residences and hotels. You avoid possibly landing on your opponent’s properties and having to make a costly payment by spending three turns in jail.
Now that you have been informed with the essential things about Monopoly, it is now time for us to introduce you to our very own version of this game — Capitalista!
Our online alternative of the monopoly board game is called Capitalista. To eliminate your rivals and teammates from the game, you must grow to be the largest real estate tycoon there is. The dice and your trade abilities are two strong weapons in your arsenal. Even those without business degrees may play this monopoly alternative since the rules are so straightforward. Each player may roll the dice once, which will move their game piece. Now, you may land several field kinds that cause various occurrences. For instance, if a city already belongs to someone, it can be purchased or you will need to pay rent. To have so many squares that you bankrupt your colleagues is your ultimate objective.
Looking for more features from Capitalista? No worries, we heard you! Below there is the list of optional functions that you can choose from. It is also your choice, whether to use it (by turning the desired feature on) or play the game in a simple way.
You need money but don’t want to sell anything? Then charge your field now to get money fast. But: The field gets no rent until you pay back.
Double Rent
If you own a whole street, the base rent (excluding houses and hotels) is doubled. Also applies to the companies.
No rent while in jail
With that setting, you don’t collect rents when you’re in jail!
Each property can be acquired only through an auction
Simple: Every property from now on must be bought by auction.
Buy already owned properties
You want to buy the property from a fellow player? Now you can! But be careful, the properties are much more expensive!
If a property is not bought, an auction starts, where every player can bid.
Host an auction to sell your property
Mortgage is not enough for you? Then sell your provinces now with an auction!
Take a loan from the bank
You are running low on cash? Just borrow money from the bank. But remember: You pay interest every round.
Trade with other players
You want to have the property of another player? Negotiate for it!
Now that you are very well informed about our alternative Monopoly game, it would be easier for you to play it on our platform – gidd.io. Would you want to play a really challenging game of Capitalista? Afterward, try the Germoney version! Germany is renowned for its high taxes, and so are we! If you then start with low beginning money, you have your perfect challenging round! Go on and visit our platform, https://gidd.io to explore the platform for more games that you can enjoy by yourself or with your friends too!