A very noble act that every Muslim should be performing in daily routine is learning of Quran. About all aspects of life, it gives him or her knowledge. To the creator, it also becomes him or her near. On the Day of judgment, it will be proof of everyone’s good and bad deeds. Both Muslim men and women Quran learning is equally required. From the early years of life, Muslims start learning Holy Quran. In the hereafter, it will be a big source of reward as in this worldly life it brings great blessings. Guidance towards the straight path to Allah is the main benefit of learning the Holy Quran as we know its benefits are unlimited. It has been narrated by Abu Musa Al- Ash ‘air that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said; A true believer who recites the Holy Quran is like that citron which smells and taste good while who does not recite the Quran is like a date which tastes good but has no smell.
To every, Quranic education is an obligation. How to pronounce and recite the Quran latter’s correctly Online Quran academy in the UK helps a lot in the learning of the Holy Quran. With a qualified Quranic teacher Tajweed can be learned properly. In the United Kingdom, this academy is playing a great role in the establishment of Muslim education. In Britain, during the 1960s with the ” Quranic School,” the establishment of education commenced. Just like mosques that the first generation of Muslims for supplementary education of their children this institution by itself was more of supplementary education.
Through many examples importance of the Holy Quran can be understood. Surah Al Mulk recites at night is Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). At night a person who reads Surah Al Mulk will save him/her from punishment in the grave. About Surah Al Kahf another virtue of the Quran is as it comes in hadith; A person will be saved from Dajal whoever memorized the first ten verses of Surah Kahf. A cure for every illness is declared in Surah Al Fatiha.
In the Online Quran Class, students learn Holy Quran with the correct pronunciation of each letter by tutors. It is the common way across the United Kingdom the majority of Muslims can access the learning of the Quran in these online classes. It has become very common to hear Muslims are demanding that their Imams should be better educated in Islamic education. Therefore in online classes nowadays are providing more facilities to learn about the religion Islam.
The system and curriculum in mosques different methods have been adopted over the years for various age groups have dramatically changed. Holy Quran holds great status and immense importance in our lives. Any Muslim community or a single home is without it. Due to developments with the regards in Britain Muslim even though in the United Kingdom Islamic education has evolved successfully over the last forty years. In the United Kingdom for the new Muslim generation, it is still supplementary Muslim education that is vital.